
More Information

Although no programming is required to set up your maps you will need someone who knows their way around a computer. Instructions for creating the maps can be found in our online documentation 

One thing to keep in mind, this is a web based application and requires an internet connection to function so, if there are areas in your territory where you have limited cell phone coverage it may not be suitable for you. It also uses the Google Maps API to display the maps. Have a look at how Google Maps displays the territory in your area to get an indication of how it will look.

One of the main benefits of this system is that the DNC's are added in real time, that is when you add one to the system everyone can view it, you don't have to worry about updating books or anything like that.

It only takes me about an hour to set everything up that is needed so if you still think that CongMaps will suit your needs, just let me know and I will set everything up for you.

As you may or may not be aware, Google have begun charging for the use of their Google Maps API. Currently this doesn’t affect any of us because for each billing account, a monthly $200 USD Google Maps Platform credit is available and automatically applied. $200 gives us 28,000 map displays and to give you an idea of our current usage in our Congregation of some 160 publishers, we had 2,514 map displays last month well within the free use cap.

Please see the following article that describes how to get a Google Maps API

If you want to take a look at a fully functional map you can view our congregations, please use the form "CongMaps Request for Demonstration".

If you want to go ahead and setup CongMaps in your Congregation please use the form "CongMaps Application Form"

CongMaps Request for Demonstration *

CongMaps Request for Demonstration
* If after trying the demonstration above you would like to set up your own maps for your local Congregation, please use the form below.

CongMaps Application Form

CongMaps Application Form
© Copyright 2025 CongMaps - Developed by Firth Web Works